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Tag Energy Union

Public Consultation on a new Energy Market Design

The European Comission has launched a public consultation on the new energy market design, which is part of the Summer Package released on the 15th of July 2015.

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Conclusions of the last European Electricity Regulatory Forum in Florence, Italy

The 28th Electricity Regulatory Forum (Florence Forum) happened during the 4th and 5th of June 2015 and aimed to discuss the Energy Union initiative and the implementation of the latest round of EU energy market legislation, namely the third energy package. Topics addressed included the Network Codes and Guidelines elaboration and especially for the IndustRE project, the challenges for market operation and integration of renewables.

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Support to the Energy Union vision of a new market design considering demand side flexibility

An open letter signed by a wide range of actors from Europe's energy sector giving full support for the Energy Union action. The letter is targeted to the European Commission and it emphasises how flexible energy markets are essential to further energy policy in order to develop a new electricity market design.

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