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Demand response status in EU Member States

This report reviews the current status of European Member States’ regulation supporting Demand Response and Aggregation in the wholesale, balancing and ancillary electricity markets. It also discussed new insights on key success criteria for Demand Response which are in line with and benefit from Europe’s competitive market design.


Profiting from Demand Side Response

This guide by National Grid UK aims to provide large demand users with all the information they need to profit from opportunities in Demand Side Response (DSR). The rapidly changing landscape with more and more renewables coming on line and advances in technology creates new challenges for the grid operator and the broader industry, but also presents exciting opportunities for large commercial and industrial energy users.


Scoping of flexible response CEER discussion paper

This document (C16-FTF-08-04) is a short paper focussing on flexibility. It is intended to serve as a working paper dealing with the current status for flexible response in the European electricity market. The report especially aims to highlight challenges for the integration of Demand Side Flexibility (DSF).


Demand Response at the DSO level

With the profound transformation of the energy system currently taking place in Europe, new challenges arise for Distribution System Operators to manage the network in a safe and cost-efficient manner. To maintain system stability on an interactive and decentralised electricity mix, the use of energy consumer’s flexibility offers an increasingly important and valuable resource.

This White Paper by SEDC illustrates the value of demand-side flexibility as a smart and efficient option in the management of the distribution grids and discusses the changes needed in the regulatory framework to incentivise DSOs to use Demand Response as a cost-effective solution. A set of principles are identified for customer engagement in demand-side flexibility, and the role of DSOs as users of demand-side flexibility is addressed. The paper concludes with a set of key recommendations for demand-side flexibility in the distribution system.



Market design and regulation during the transition to low-carbon power systems.

To facilitate the transition to a low-carbon economy, electricity markets will need to be "re-powered": older market frameworks must be replaced with ones suitable for decarbonisation while ensuring a secure electricity supply. Market rules need to be modernised and better matched with lowcarbon policies while keeping the same overall market architecture.

This report examines how the design of electricity markets enables the transition to a lowcarbon electricity system, at least cost, while maintaining electricity security.


Profiting from Demand Side Response

Published by the Major Energy Users' Council (MEUC) in association with National Grid this document is a comprehensive Guide to Demand Side Response (DSR) in the UK. This report presents different programs and schemes under the National Grid (UK) and some case studies, which could be relevant for large energy consumers. It aims to provide large demand users with all the information they need to profit from opportunities in DSR.


Policy Paper on Market Design for Demand Side Response​​

This paper provides an overview of market design options for Demand Side Response (DSR) integration in day-ahead, intraday and balancing energy markets. DSR will also have a major role to play in reserves capacity markets, provided it meets reliability requirements.

The paper gives 6 key recommendations and concrete market design solutions to boost DSR in Europe, which are related to the effectiveness of price signals, cost-reflective consumer prices, availability of price information, technology and more. Those aspects are crucial for establishing the concepts for the development of the business models in IndustRE, relating variable renewable energy and industry demand flexibility.


Letter on defining fair and equitable market rules for third-party demand response aggregation

A letter from EURELECTRIC to DG Energy explicitly demonstrating their intention in elaborating solutions for integration of third-party demand response aggregators in the market.


Value of flexibility in a decarbonised grid and system externalities of low-carbon generation

The team from Imperial College London (partners in the IndustRE) project issued a report, which demonstrates that flexibility will be the key to cost effective decarbonisation of the UK power market. The report has the title "Value of flexibility in a decarbonised grid and system externalities of low-carbon generation technologies" and was commissioned by the UK Committee for Climate Change, who have used it as input for their "Power sector scenarios for the fifth carbon budget".


EDSO response to the European Commission’s public consultation on a new energy market design

The European Distribution System Operators for Smart Grids (EDSO) has responded to the European Commission (EC) consultations on a new energy market design and on electricity security supply, as they represent a timely opportunity to propose revisions to the ‘Third Energy Package.’

Specifically relevant for the IndustRE project, is the solicitation to the EC to amend the relevant EU legislation to include a new article allowing DSOs to procure services on local flexibility markets or to contract in a transparent and non-discriminatory way with grid users for the purpose of optimal network management.



