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Mapping Demand Response in Europe Today

The Smart Energy Demand Coalition (SEDC) has just announced the publication of their latest market review, “Mapping Demand Response in Europe Today (2015)”. The report maps the progress of Member States in enabling “explicit” Demand Response programmes. It reviews the regulatory structures of 16 countries: 14 EU Member States, plus Norway and Switzerland. In order to further support these efforts, it provides overarching guidelines and technical information on how consumer-oriented Demand Response can be unlocked.


Power System Flexibility Strategic Roadmap

This report outlines steps for overcoming the challenges in creating power systems with the flexibility needed to maintain system stability and reliability while relying primarily on variable energy resources. The roadmap envisions a transformation performed over three phases or regimes:

- An initial phase with variable generation contributing up to about 10% of the energy demand, characterized by relatively mild changes to conventional power system operations and structures;

- A dynamic middle phase up to about 50% penetration by vRES characterized by phasing out conventional generation and a concerted effort to wring flexibility from existing infrastructure; and

- The high penetration phase that inevitably addresses how power systems operate over longer periods of weeks or months when variable generation will be in either short supply, or over-abundant supply.


Electricity Costs of Energy Intensive Industries

This present study provides views on the cost of electricity for large industries, split down by components (electricity purchase price, network charges, and state-regulated components) and by consumption level. Thir report examines in detail, the composition of electricity prices in Germany and ten other countries: the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Denmark, Canada, the United States, China, Korea and Japan.

The report will be usefull as input to the IndustRE project for the identification and quantification of the amount of electricity demand flexibility of industries.



Self-consumption of electricity from renewable sources

A report developed by the Insight_E project discusses the potential and barriers for self-consumption of distributed generated electricity. In order to fully use the benefits of self-consumption, further development on the grid side, such as demand response and energy storage must take place. Within the scope of the IndustRE project, self consumption and flexible demand are also considered one of the many possible balancing solutions to facilitate integration of variable renewables energy sources into the grid. However, it is crucial that the regulatory framework provides support for the usage of energy storage solutions and demand management to promote both technology development and self-consumption, while reducing costs.


Designing fair and equitable market rules for demand response aggregation - A EURELECTRIC paper

With this report, EURELECTRIC strives to explain what demand response and aggregation are and how technological developments and innovation would contribute to their deployment (Part 2). Part 3 assesses the different market models that can be put in place to ensure the development of demand side flexibility as well as the impact of demand response aggregation actions on other market parties in a context of missing contractual and operational relationships. Part 4 proposes different options for such contractual and operational relationships between actors as a way to close existing loopholes and ensure that costs and benefits of third party demand response aggregation are allocated correctly. Finally, the paper makes a number of recommendations, based on the advantages and drawbacks of the various options considered.


A reference model for European capacity markets

Capacity markets are market-based solutions that deliver long-term system adequacy by properly valuing reliable and firm capacity and thereby providing signals for necessary existing capacity to stay online or new capacity to be developed. With this paper, EURELECTRIC presents capacity market design principles in order to establish a reference model of how European capacity markets should be designed.


Regulatory Recommendations for the Deployment of Flexibility

This report has been prepared by the Expert Group 3 (EG3, 'Regulatory Recommendations for Smart Grids Deployment') of the Smart Grids Task Force and it aims at providing concrete recommendations for removing regulatory barriers and incentivising the uptake of flexibility from distributed resources. The report seeks to identify flexibility services, relevant value chains, but also the necessary commercial and market arrangements, while it answers the question on how different actors can be incentivised to provide and use flexibility.

The IndustRE project is pursuing similar objectives for maximising the potential of demand flexibility from large industrial consumers.


Demand Side Response - Policy Paper

Demand Side Response (DSR) is a key component in the successful evolution of the power system from a conventional based generation system to one that has significant contributions from intermittent sources of generation and power intensive loads. To achieve the EU’s 2030 and 2050 energy policy and decarbonisation targets, DSR uptake must therefore be broad and deep.


Negative Electricity Prices: Causes and Effects

This report addresses the issue of negative electricity prices and identifies their cause as the lack of flexibility in the electricity system. It recognises that lack of flexibility burdens consumers in the form of an increased renewables surcharge and proposes that regulators must also act in order to insist on more flexibility.

One of the main conclusions it that without a significant increase in the flexibility of power plants and large consumers, the hours with negative electricity prices will increase drastically. This is of valuable input to the IndustRE project at the moment we shape the business models and market barriers for system flexibility.



CEER Advice on Ensuring Market and Regulatory Arrangements help deliver Demand-Side Flexibility

This advice paper is designed as input to advance the ongoing discussion about the scope, players and benefits of demand-side flexibility from both a network and market perspective. This work is part of an ongoing process that should contribute to assistance for National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) and EU Member States (MS) on how to encourage the participation of demand-side resources in their markets and networks. It also sets out regulators’ views on the high-level principles which should govern demand-side flexibility and allow it to be facilitated at the wholesale, network and retail levels.

